Martin Oxley to Present at the Virtual Quirk's Event

Written by buzzback | Jul 13, 2020 4:47:40 PM

Martin Oxley, Managing Director of BuzzBack Europe, will be presenting together with Carl Wong, CEO of Medallia LivingLens, on Day 1 of the first ever Virtual Quirk's Event. The event will take place from July 14-16, 2020. 

Deeply understanding the 'why' - how to leverage the power of video for consumer connection

As a market researcher, customer experience (CX) or insight professional, you are continually striving to understand consumer behavior and to deliver insights that motivate your stakeholders to drive actions. Could video be the answer?

The rise of automation and AI has changed the game when it comes to how video can be used and the value it can provide. New technologies enable us to extract valuable data from inside video, to drive a deeper diagnostic understanding of consumers. You can move beyond “what” people are saying and get to the heart of “why” they are saying it.

This session will:

  • Provide you with an insider’s view of the latest ways video is being used in market research
  • Demonstrate the benefits of video across a broad range of use cases from innovation to CX
  • Highlight practical ways to deliver ROI on your video content
  • Showcase the latest advancements in emotion and object recognition to unlock deeper consumer insights
  • Show how video storytelling can add huge value to your stakeholder engagement


Session Details
Date: Day 1 - Tuesday, July 14
Time: 9:10 - 9:40am
Location: Room 1